How to Write a Networking Follow-Up Email - 5 Follow-Up Email Templates

Camino Financial27 Feb 2024
How to Write a Networking Follow-Up Email - 5 Follow-Up Email Templates
If you didn't already know this about networking, the email you write after you make a new professional contact is crucial. Meeting new people could be challenging, but maintaining those relationships through a proper networking follow-up email is when it really gets tough. But don't worry, we're here to help you improve your post-networking game!

Email Follow-Up After a Networking Event: is it Important?

Many people don't know what to do after a networking event. Writing an email follow-up after a networking event is a great networking strategy, plus it's crucial for relationship building. It'll help you solidify the connections you built during the event. Making solid connections is exactly what you need to grow your business. If you don't follow up, that connection might just die out. At a networking event, you can find: But post-networking might not be as easy if you're new to this game. So we are here to make the post-networking process a bit smoother, so you can follow up with potential clients, customers, co-workers, and partners. Are you ready to grow your network and solidify the professional relationship you made? Writing emails is a habit of successful business owners!

5 Networking Follow-Up Email Templates

These 5 networking follow-up email templates will give you a good starting point, but you will still have to put some effort into it. You must personalize each follow-up email with your voice and add as much detail as you can (while at the same time being brief). Start with the networking conference follow-up email templates below (with subject lines included)! Before you do anything, you have to identify your purpose. For example, what would you like to accomplish with your email? Do you want to request a meeting? Each one of these templates has a specific purpose, so use them as you see fit.

1. If you want to ask for a follow-up meeting

These emails work if you want to pitch your idea or discuss the matter more thoroughly. Remember to be considerate of their time and work with their availability, and keep the email short.
#CaminoTip If you suggest when the meeting could take place, try to offer at least two dates.
Subject: Let's chat more about [Topic]
Dear [Name], It was great meeting you at [Event]. I enjoyed talking and learning about [something discussed]. Thank you for your tips and the new insights in the field of [your industry]. As we discussed, I am interested in [your objective], so I'd like to meet you and talk about [clear purpose]. Usually, I am free on [days and times of the week you are free], is this something that would work with you? I could adjust my schedule and work around yours as well.  I am looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, [Name] [Company] [PhoneNumber]

2. If you want to ask for feedback 

If you are experiencing difficulty in your business or have a new business idea with potential, you might want to ask for feedback from the experts and people who have gone through the same process. Did you meet someone like that at the networking event? This follow-up template might help.
Subject: Thank you for your time, [Name]
Hello, [Name],  I know you have a busy schedule, so I'll be brief.  We met at [Event] on [date]. I know that you are an expert when it comes to [topic], so I was wondering if you could spare a few minutes to share your insights with me. I'm working on something similar at [Company].  I appreciate in advance any advice you can give me. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.  Best regards,  [Name] [Company] [Phone Number]

3. If you want to promote your business

Network events are an excellent opportunity if you want to promote your products or services. But don't stop there! After the event, this type of networking follow-up email could consolidate a future collaboration with the company of your interest. This is also a great way to market your business. Follow this model:
Subject: [Name], I can be of help
Hello, [Name], It was a pleasure to meet you at [Event] on [date] and learn more about [recipient's company].  I've been thinking about your struggle with [businees' challenges], and I think [your company] could help you solve this problem by [solutions]. To this date, many companies just like yours are using our product/service and are highly satisfied. Please see my [portfolio, brochure, or your company's website] and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about our products/ services. Would you be able to hop on a call some time this week to discuss more? Best regards,  [Name] [Job Title] [Company] [Phone Number]

4. Thank you letter after networking event 

People go through a lot of effort to organize these meetings and conferences. The number of details that go into logistics is simply overwhelming. This is why a thank you email is always welcome. Did the lecture help you understand a concept you were having trouble with? Did it help you connect with some potential clients or distributors? If you want to say "thank you" (which you should always do), this email template could work for you. It seems short and simple, but remember you will go into detail about your gains.
Subject: Nice meeting you at [name of the event]
Dear [Name],  I am writing to thank you for organizing the [Event]. It was really interesting to hear about [what you liked most about the event].  I'm eager to implement [gained benefits] at [Company].  I hope we stay in touch.  Best regards, [Name] [Company] [Phone Number]

5. If you never received an answer to any of the previous follow-up emails

Did you never receive an answer after your first networking follow-up email? That's completely normal. Your recipient may be very busy or even not remember who you are. In this second email, you need to be very specific about who you are and where you work and also make an additional effort to grab your reader's attention—highlighting your achievements and the areas that could benefit your recipient (or those that are mutually beneficial). This said, you need to be cautious: maybe your recipient never contacted you because you were too informal, too aggressive, or trying to be funny. That's why before writing this second email, you should go back to your first one: analyze it and try to find any weak areas.
Subject: [Name of recipient], we met at [Name of event]
Dear [Name], I’m [your name] from [your company]. I sent you an email last week about [topic]. At [Event], I was very impressed with how you [achievements]. I've come across your website, and it's amazing how you [relevant areas]. I thought you'd be interested in including my resources in your scope because my company is different from other solutions you may have used in the past. We offer [highlight your strong areas]. Let me know if you are still interested, and don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss all the opportunities! I would love your feedback as well. Sincerely, [Name] [Company] [Phone Number]

Subject Line for a Follow-Up Networking Email

The subject line for your follow-up networking email is critical. While we offered some ideas for our templates, you should try to personalize the email subject line so it feels more genuine (you can't use the same subject line every time!). If you still need some inspiration, here are some networking email subject lines you can try:
  • This is [Name] from [Event]
  • It was great meeting you at [Event]
  • Following up on our chat at [Event]
  • We met at [Event]
  • Nice to meet you [yesterday/last night/etc.]!
  • I'd love to continue our conversation about [topic]
  • Thanks for talking with me at [Event]
  • What did you think about [Event]?
  • Great chatting with you at [Event]
You could also try writing attention-grabbing subject lines where you mention something specific you said during the event.

Other Considerations for your Follow-Up Email After Networking

You can use this formula to write a professional email if you have objectives and reasons for following up that we didn't state above.
  1. Introduce yourself briefly and remind your reader where you met. You must state the name of the conference and the date so they can trace the memory. Some people go to networking events every other day!
  2. Ask clearly and concretely what you need. Then, if possible, add value - what will your readers get from your offer.
  3. Always be thankful for their time and consideration. Try to leave a positive impression.
Once you crafted your networking follow-up email, ask yourself, "Would I open and reply to this email?". If your answer is "yes," you'll know if you did a good job.
#DidYouKnow You can also attend online networking events. You should also send an email follow-up after a networking event, even if it's online.

What to do after a networking event? Keep the train going

If you have never been to a networking event, we have plenty of resources on this blog to get you started. You can learn about the importance of networking and what to do before and after a networking event, among other things. If you want to receive more resources like this article, simply subscribe to our Newsletter. It's free, and every 2 weeks, you'll receive the latest trends in business and finances, so you stay on top of your game and grow your company.

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How to follow up after networking?

What to do after a networking event? While business card follow up or phone calls are still viable options, sending a follow-up email after networking is your best choice: it's simply less invasive.

How to write a follow-up email after a networking event?

How? Well, just like removing a band-aid: by just doing it. While writing a networking email might be stressful, the best thing you can do is stop doubting yourself and be confident (that self-confidence will be evident in the email and will go a long way).

How do you write a formal follow-up email?

You have to respect specific parameters: keep a professional tome and always check your spelling and grammar.

How do you network via email?

Suppose you're unsure of how to write a networking follow-up email, don't worry. In this post, you will find 5 templates that'll help you. They are an excellent way to strengthen your business and customer relationships and grow your network.

How do you write a follow-up thank-you email?

Go to the "follow-up email after networking event" sample number 4 in this article. We specifically designed it to thank the recipient.

What about a follow-up Linkedin message after networking?

A Linkedin message will work the same way as a networking follow-up email. So if you feel more comfortable writing a message directly on their Linkedin profile, go ahead! You can use the same networking email templates on Linkedin.

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